I've been involved in my city with a collective of South, West Asian, and North African (SWANA) artists for some time, and have been invited to participate in a showcase specifically for artists in the diaspora. This is a personal project I started for that gallery and showcase, to honor the mythology and folklore for the Raven for SWANA people of all faiths. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam the raven is honored and revered for its symbolism. There are many midrash (legends and stories told by rabbinical scholars and rabbis who study Talmudic literature, to account for gaps or missing pieces in the Torah; a midrash typically describes or explains missing context, and is taken as absolute truth,) about the Raven, which also align with indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest and their understanding of the raven being a trickster. For specifically Middle Eastern and North African Jews, Christians, and Muslims, the raven is understood to be a being that had initially transgressed, was pardoned by God, and eventually atoned for his sin. They are a symbol of hope and change, and I wanted to explore those themes through 3D art, as well as 2D composition and editing. I'll be selling four print compositions at this showcase in June of 2023.
PROGRAMS USED: ZBrush, 3DSMax, Substance Painter, Photoshop
PROGRAMS USED: ZBrush, 3DSMax, Substance Painter, Photoshop